Email Security Consulting

Email Security Consulting for one of the major banks

Country: Botswana

Client Industry: Banking


A leading financial institution faced significant challenges with their email security infrastructure, making them susceptible to phishing attacks, spam, and other email-borne threats. They lacked comprehensive email security configurations and implementations. XEye Security was engaged to provide expert email security consulting to enhance their email environment, ensuring the protection of sensitive financial information.


The client encountered the following major challenges:
1. Ineffective email security configurations and missing implementations.
2. Increased vulnerability to phishing, spam, and email-based attacks.
3. Inadequate user training and awareness regarding email security practices.
4. Compliance requirements for protecting sensitive financial data.


XEye Security deployed a team of email security specialists to address the client's needs through the following steps:

1. Initial Assessment and Gap Analysis: Conducted a detailed assessment of the existing email security infrastructure, identified gaps and vulnerabilities in the client’s current email security configurations, and reviewed compliance requirements specific to the financial sector.
2. Customized Email Security Plan: Developed a tailored email security strategy to address identified vulnerabilities and align with industry best practices, advised on the implementation of advanced security protocols, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, and recommended robust email filtering and anti-phishing solutions.
3. Enhanced Security Configurations: Reconfigured email servers to enforce secure email transmission and reception, implemented encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest, and set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for email access to prevent unauthorized access.
4. User Training and Awareness: Conducted training sessions for employees on recognizing phishing attempts and best practices for email security, developed educational materials and guides for ongoing user awareness. 5. Continuous Monitoring and Support: Established continuous monitoring mechanisms to detect and respond to email-based threats and rovided ongoing support and updates to adapt to evolving security challenges.


The email security consulting project led to significant improvements in the client's email security posture:

1. Strengthened Security Infrastructure: Implemented comprehensive email security configurations that drastically reduced vulnerabilities.
2. Reduction in Email Threats: Notable decrease in phishing, spam, and other email-borne attacks due to enhanced filtering and protection protocols.
3. Increased User Awareness: Employees became more vigilant and adept at identifying phishing attempts, bolstering overall security.

Results and Recommendations

Post-assessment, XEye Security provided the client with a detailed report including:
1. Executive Summary: High-level overview suitable for non-technical stakeholders.
2. Technical Findings: Comprehensive breakdown of all vulnerabilities identified, their impact, and risk ratings.
3. Remediation Guidelines: Clear and actionable steps to mitigate each identified risk, prioritizing based on severity.

Post-remediation, a re-assessment confirmed that all critical and high-severity issues were effectively resolved, significantly bolstering the security posture of the client’s website.

Is your organization prepared for evolving email threats?