Outsmart The Most Advanced Hackers

Offensive Security Services

We aggressively identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in your systems before cyber criminals can exploit them. With our thorough and expert offensive security testing and proactive strategies, you can defend your assets with confidence and peace of mind.

XEye Offensive Security Service

Sniper Every Loophole

We employ advanced offensive techniques with deep experience, extensive knowledge and exceptional skills of our offensive security experts as we ethically simulate malicious hackers exercises to identify weaknesses in your systems before actual malicious actors do.

Offensive security, also known as penetration testing or red teaming, is a crucial component of a business's cybersecurity strategy. By simulating real-world attacks and identifying vulnerabilities by highly skilled and experienced ethical actors, organizations can proactively address weaknesses in their systems and networks before malicious actors exploit them. This practice offers several benefits that can significantly enhance an organization's environment security and compliance. Offensive Security techniques can dramatically uncover hidden vulnerabilities that may not be immediately apparent through traditional security measures even with the most advanced security solutions. By conducting regular offensive security such as penetration testing or red teaming, organizations can identify weaknesses that could otherwise go unnoticed until it's too late. This proactive approach allows organizations to address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors and achieve the highest level of security.

XEye Security Offensive Services

We offer a wide range of offensive security services designed for your specific needs and requirements

Vuln Assessment

We identify weaknesses in your systems and networks to mitigate security risks and enhance your business security with detailed reports and remediation guidance.

Penetration Testing

We simulate advanced attacks to test security controls and uncover vulnerabilities with detailed reports and complete remediation guidance to achieve the highest security.

Red Teaming

We simulate real-world and advanced attacks and research to evaluate your security defenses reporting all possible loopholes to secure against potential threats.

Social Engineering

We test your employees' susceptibility to a wide range and most advanced manipulation and modern techniques to raise awareness of your employees and strengthen defenses.

Private Bug Bounty

We perform ongoing ethical hacking to report vulnerabilities and remediation guidance, while our clients only pay as per the findings' criticality level and validity.

Threat Intelligence Gathering

We proactively collect and analyze threat intelligence from various sources to identify potential security threats and deliver security strategies and defenses.

XEye Offensive Security Approach

We provide a proactive and robust approach to find all possible loopholes and to achieve the highest possible level of security.

Before we proceed, we aim to have a thorough understanding of our client's business objectives, security requirements, and risk tolerance. We gather information through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation reviews to identify critical assets, threats, and vulnerabilities to deliver the elite offensive security service.

Based on the requirements gathered, we develop a detailed plan outlining the scope, objectives, and deliverables of the engagement. We also define the methodology, timeline, and resources required to execute the plan.

Our reconnaissance and intelligence gathering phase involves extensive research and analysis of the target organization's public and private information sources. We gather intelligence and uncover information on the organization's infrastructure, applications, and personnel to identify potential attack vectors and weaknesses and report any sensitive information leakage to our clients and how to take the appropriate action.

Using a combination of automated and manual techniques, we perform a thorough vulnerability assessment of the target organization's systems and networks. We also conduct research on the latest threats, exploits, and vulnerabilities on our clients assets to protect it against any possible trending threat.

Using our expertise and advanced exploitation and bypassing techniques, we attempt to gain unauthorized access to our clients target systems and networks. We also test the effectiveness of existing security controls and measures in our client's environments. Once we have gained access, we perform post-exploitation activities such as data exfiltration, privilege escalation, and lateral movement to further compromise the target organization's systems and networks. We document our findings and provide detailed and step by step recommendations for remediation.

After we complete the engagement, we provide a detailed report outlining our findings, recommendations, and all vulnerabilities and issues that are discovered. We also provide a remediation plan to help our clients address the identified vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

We offer post-assessment support to our clients, providing ongoing guidance, retesting and assistance as they implement the remediation plan. We also provide training and awareness programs to help our clients employees better understand the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

We provide continuous guidance and reporting our clients with the latest trends and techniques in the industry. We also provide our clients with help to stay secure against the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

Why Choose XEye Offensive Security Services?

XEye Security has a team of highly skilled and experienced Offensive Security professionals who have a deep understanding of the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and attack vectors. Our team has a proven track record of delivering successful engagements for clients across various industries.

XEye Security takes a collaborative approach to our engagements, working closely with our clients throughout the entire process. We provide regular updates and feedback, ensuring that our clients are fully informed about the progress of the engagement and any critical issues discovered. Our collaborative approach helps our clients better understand their security posture and provides them with a more effective and efficient use of their resources. Also our post-assessment support and continuous guidance initiatives help our clients optimize their security spend and minimize their overall cybersecurity costs.

XEye Security understands the importance of delivering cost-effective services to our clients. We offer flexible pricing models and customized engagement packages compared to all our competitors to suit the unique requirements of our clients. Our services are designed to provide maximum value for money, ensuring that our clients receive a high return on investment. Additionally, our post-assessment support and continuous improvement initiatives help our clients optimize their security spend and minimize their overall cybersecurity costs.

XEye Offensive Security Experts

Advanced Certificates

Our experts boast a range of prestigious certifications that demonstrate their expertise and commitment to excellence in the field.

Long Experience

Our experts have accumulated years of hands-on experience in conducting offensive security across a variety of industries.

Continually Learning

Our experts are dedicated to continually enhancing their skills and knowledge through ongoing learning and professional development.

XEye Offensive Security Experts Certificates

Web Application Penetration Tester Extreme (eWPTX) Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP) OffSec Web Expert (OSWE) Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP) Mobile Application Penetration Tester eMAPT Certified Red Team Expert (CRTE) Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certified Red Team Professional (CRTP)

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