Penetration Testing

Web Applications Penetration Testing

Country: Canada and Nigeria

Client Industry: Recruitment


A recruitment company sought to ensure the security and compliance of their web applications with SOC 2 and CIS benchmarks. To achieve this, they hired XEye Security to conduct a comprehensive penetration testing assessment.


The client was primarily concerned about the security of their web applications, especially in light of increasing cyber threats. They needed assurance that their applications were not only secure but also compliant with SOC 2 and CIS benchmarks, which are critical for maintaining user trust and regulatory compliance. Moreover, the client required a detailed assessment without impacting their ongoing operations.


XEye Security adopted a tailored approach to deliver an exhaustive penetration testing service for the client's web applications. The process began with a meticulous planning phase where the scope of the testing was defined to include critical areas that demanded particular attention for SOC 2 and CIS compliance. The testing phase commenced with automated vulnerability scans, utilizing industry-leading tools such as Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP, to identify potential security gaps. This was followed by rigorous manual testing to uncover more sophisticated and nuanced vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss. The assessment focused on various attack vectors including, but not limited to, injection flaws, broken authentication, and sensitive data exposure. Special emphasis was placed on evaluating the application’s compliance with SOC 2 and CIS benchmarks. SOC 2 compliance was ensured by focusing on controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. The CIS benchmarks provided a detailed framework for securing system configurations and data protection within the web applications. Throughout the testing process, XEye Security maintained close communication with the client to ensure transparency and to mitigate any risk of disruption to their web services. Upon completion of the penetration test, XEye Security delivered a detailed report, highlighting all identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and clear remediation steps tailored to align with SOC 2 and CIS compliance requirements.


The penetration testing assessment by XEye Security provided the client with several key benefits. Significant vulnerabilities were identified, including SQL injection points, cross-site scripting (XSS) issues, and security misconfigurations. These were promptly addressed following the remediation steps provided. The client significantly improved their security posture, ensuring robust protection against potential cyber threats. Moreover, the assessment confirmed that the client's web applications met the necessary SOC 2 and CIS benchmarks, thereby facilitating compliance with these critical standards.

Ensure the security and compliance of your web applications with expert penetration testing services.