Security Assessment

Copilot Deep Security Assessment

Country: The United States

Client Industry: Information Technology


A cloud services provider sought to evaluate the security readiness of their AI-driven copilot, which was designed to manage both their Azure assets and those of their clients. To ensure robustness and resilience, they engaged XEye Security to conduct a comprehensive security assessment and advanced manipulation testing.


The primary challenge was to ascertain the copilot’s effectiveness in securing complex and dynamic Azure environments. The client needed a thorough evaluation of the copilot’s ability to identify, mitigate, and respond to various security threats. Additionally, it was crucial to assure their own customers of the reliability and security of the copilot in managing their Azure assets.


XEye Security deployed a multi-phase approach to assess the copilot's security efficacy:

1. Initial Security Assessment: Conducted a thorough review of the copilot’s integration with Azure services and assessed the existing security measures and protocols configured within the copilot framework.
2. Advanced Manipulations: Performed a series of advanced manipulation tests designed to simulate real-world attack scenarios and tested the copilot’s response to various types of cyber threats, including brute force attacks, network intrusions, and insider threats and evaluated the copilot’s ability to enforce security policies, detect breaches, and initiate automated response mechanisms.
3. Vulnerability Identification: Utilized both automated tools and manual techniques to uncover potential vulnerabilities within the copilot’s operational scope and focused on critical areas such as access controls, data encryption, and activity logging.
4. Detailed Reporting and Recommendations: Compiled a comprehensive report detailing the findings from the assessment and advanced manipulation tests and highlighted identified vulnerabilities and provided actionable recommendations to enhance the copilot’s security posture and suggested best practices for ongoing monitoring and improvement.


The security assessment and advanced manipulation testing conducted by XEye Security provided significant insights into the copilot’s readiness to secure Azure assets. Key vulnerabilities were identified, including weaknesses in access controls and insufficient encryption practices. The client promptly addressed these vulnerabilities following XEye Security's recommendations, thereby enhancing the overall security and efficiency of the copilot. Additionally, the client gained confidence in the copilot’s ability to manage and secure both their own and their clients’ Azure assets. They implemented improved security policies and automated response mechanisms, ensuring fast and effective mitigation of potential threats.

Client Feedback

The client expressed their satisfaction, noting: ""Great company to work with! Will hire again".

Ensure the security readiness of your cloud management solutions with expert assessments.