Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics for one of our valued clients

Country: Egypt

Client Industry: Food


One of our valued client, a small-sized company operating in a crucial sector, recently fell victim to a sophisticated ransomware attack. The ransomware had encrypted vital business data, and the attackers were demanding a significant ransom for the decryption key. Concerned about data loss and operational downtime, the client contacted XEye Security for immediate digital forensics assistance.


The client faced the following critical challenges:
1. Rapidly escalating operational downtime due to encrypted data.
2. Potential data integrity and confidentiality breach.
3. Pressure to recover data swiftly to resume business operations.
4. The need to follow strict instructions, including not turning off any infected devices.


XEye Security's digital forensics team was promptly deployed to assist the client. The following steps were undertaken to address the situation:
1. Initial Assessment and Coordination:
Engaged with the client's IT team to understand the scope of the ransomware attack and ensured that the instructions to keep all infected devices powered on were strictly followed, as shutting down could complicate the recovery process.

2. Containment and Evidence Collection: Isolated infected systems from the network to prevent further spread of the ransomware and collected system logs, memory dumps, and other crucial data to understand the ransomware's behavior and entry point. .

3. Decryption Key Discovery: Conducted a thorough investigation of the infected systems to identify any clues or weaknesses in the ransomware's encryption scheme, Leveraged specialized forensic tools and techniques to dissect the ransomware's code and communication with the command-and-control server, and successfully located the decryption key embedded within the ransomware code, an approach that negated the need to engage with the attackers.

4. Data Recovery and Incident Reporting: Utilized the decryption key to restore encrypted data, ensuring minimal data loss and downtime, conducted a complete forensic analysis to ensure all traces of the ransomware were eliminated from the network, and documented the entire incident, providing a detailed report outlining the attack, the response, and the preventive measures recommended.


The digital forensics intervention yielded significant results:
1. Swift Data Recovery: Critical business data was decrypted and restored, allowing the client to resume operations with minimal delay.
2. No Ransom Paid: The discovery of the decryption key circumvented the need to pay the ransom, saving the client a substantial amount of money.
3. Improved Security Posture: Recommendations were provided to enhance the client's security infrastructure, reducing the likelihood of future attacks.
4. Detailed Incident Report: The client received a comprehensive report detailing the attack vectors, evidence collected, analysis performed, and steps taken to resolve the incident.

We are ready to respond to your cybersecurity emergencies with precision and care.