Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics on website and server.

Country: The United States

Client Industry: Business Development


A client business website was experiencing frequent and disruptive cyber attacks, causing significant operational interruptions. They sought XEye Security’s digital forensics expertise to identify the source of these attacks, mitigate ongoing threats, and support legal actions against the attackers.


The client faced multiple challenges:

1. Persistent cyber attacks that disrupted website functionality and affected user experience.
2. Difficulty in tracing the origins of the attacks due to the attackers' use of anonymization techniques.
3. Need for detailed forensic analysis to understand the attack vectors and strategies.
4. Requirement of robust evidence to pursue legal actions against the identified attackers.


XEye Security deployed a comprehensive digital forensics investigation to address the client’s critical needs:

1. Incident Response and Initial Analysis: Conducted an immediate incident response to contain the ongoing attacks and prevent further damage and analyzed web server logs, traffic patterns, and attack signatures to understand the nature and methods of the attacks.
2. Digital Forensics Investigation: Performed an in-depth forensic analysis of the affected systems to identify the entry points and exploit methods used by the attackers, utilized advanced tools such as EnCase and FTK to meticulously examine digital evidence, and identified and catalogued malicious IP addresses and other indicators of compromise (IOCs).
3. IP Tracking and Identification: Accurately listed the IP addresses involved in the attacks, including those used for command-and-control (C2) communications, cross-referenced IP data with external intelligence to identify the attackers' origins and any patterns of behavior, and employed geolocation techniques to narrow down the suspects and provide actionable leads.
4. Mitigation and Prevention: Implemented immediate protective measures, such as IP blocking, web application firewall (WAF) configurations, and real-time monitoring, enhanced the website’s security posture by patching vulnerabilities, strengthening access controls, and employing DDoS protection services, and provided recommendations for long-term improvements, including regular security audits and employee training on security best practices.
5. Legal Support and Evidence Documentation: Compiled a thorough forensic report detailing the investigation process, evidence collected, and the identification of attackers, ensured the evidence was legally admissible by following strict chain-of-custody protocols, and supported the client’s legal team with expert testimony and documentation necessary for pursuing legal action against the attackers.


The digital forensics investigation and subsequent actions led to significant positive outcomes for the client:

1. Attack Mitigation: Successfully contained and mitigated the ongoing cyber attacks, restoring normal website operations.
2. Attacker Identification: Accurately identified the sources of the attacks, providing strong evidence for legal action.
3. Legal Proceedings Support: Enabled the client to initiate legal proceedings against the identified attackers with substantial forensic evidence.
4. Enhanced Security: Significantly strengthened the website's security measures, reducing the risk of future attacks.

Are you facing persistent cyber attacks on your digital assets?